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Posted By ZEKE

In your reply to my last post "Pitcher Clutch
Ratings" you stated that the game takes into account
the ballpark AND league effects. I knew about the
individual park stats but tell me more about the
league stats. I'm assuming that has to do with
the DH in the AL and no-DH in NL? It would only
be fair to rate an American League pitcher higher
because he has to face the lineups with an extra
hitter. While I'm on the subject of the DH I'd
like to know why the DH teams aren't allowed an
extra space on the active roster. It is considered
a "position" isn't it? It doesn't seem fair that
those teams have to carry an extra player and not
have the extra space on the roster. I know we
follow what REAL baseball does but maybe in this
case we should do the smart thing.