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I think we do agree...

Posted By Fred C

I think my message wasn't as clear as I had hoped.

I'm thinking that if Mike makes the leagues with 6,7,8 vacant teams the priority for assigning new owners to, then you might end up with filling half those holes and still have 3 or 4 vacanices.

Let's assume there are 8 leagues with one or two vacancies, 8 with three or four, and 8 with 5+ vacanices - 80 vacancies total. To me if you have 40 possible managers looking to add teams, I'd rather put all 40 in the first two leagues and have 16 leagues at full capacity and 8 that should be "restarted" or "contracted" or whatever, then distribute the 40 so that I end up with 16 leagues with 1 or 2 missing and 8 with 3 or 4 missing.