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League Commissioners

Posted By Bob C

Some ideas for next season ... assuming we ever get there ...

Each league would have a veteran PB manager serve as a league commissioner.

The league commissioner would have the power to make roster moves for all unmanaged teams and would be responsible for keeping those rosters up to date. Other responsibilities COULD include (I'm not sure if these additional responsibilities should be allowed) the power to accept trade offers from managed teams. Right now the commish has to respond to offers for over 100 unmanaged teams and does not have the time to carefully study the unmanaged teams needs. The league commissioner would only be responsible for 4-5 teams and could take the time to build the unmanaged team. I would not be in favor of league commissioners initiating trades but do think they should be allowed to accept/reject offers. We COULD also allow league commissioners set rotattions/lineups for unmanaged teams so as to avoid the problems with bad lineups that are missing players. Of course the league commissioner would not be allowed to own a team in the league he served as commissioner. I would assume there would have to be some password that would allow the league commissioner access to the unmanaged teams. The league commissioner would have to be an experienced PB manager (perhaps 3 years experience?). Each commissioner should be responsible for no more than one league so as to not place a burden on the commissioner. Lastly there should be some compensation for the league commissioner's time and effort. Perhaps all owned teams beyond three are free for non-founders and all teams beyond two are free for founders. I know unlimited free teams are a sore spot with some non-founders so I think we need to be flexible regarding compensation. This post is simply designed to start a dialogue on how to improve/save PB for the future.

Other recommendations ... I would disband W-9,
M-13, and 99RT-4. They all have at least a 40% vacancy rate. In addition, 98RT-2, 99RT-2, 2000RT-1, and 2000RT-2 should be contracted to 20 teams.

Finally, Mike B should send out an email to ALL managers asking if they intend to play PB next season. Any manager who does not respond by March 1,2006 would be removed as an owner. Those owners could be reinstated but they would have to ask for their team back.

Comments are welcome!