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you guys missed my point

Posted By three guys again

Actually I should have been more clear, I peronally believe something is a little shaddy about James Wingate but in the end I realize its not possible to prove with out doubt. But my real question of interest was "is it possible to actually fiddle with the game and make changes? I.E. Cheat codes?" I also realize even with solid proof there is not much Purebaseball can actually do. I remember once a total nut in our league using curse words Ect...was kicked out he just came back and kept coming back under a new name and making sure we knew it was him. Its just a launch league but again I am just wondering over all is it as simple as RAMBEAST said, just poke in a few codes and your off making favorable changes for your team or hindering the opposing team? In the end the only thing we can do is what I am doing, bring to light some very questionable tactics as to bring shame or cause those who are doing unethical tactics to perhaps see they are being noticed. Part of this leads in to the resent debate a few guys were having, hey if you can push the button and it works then by all means compared to we should make the game a relistic as possible but in the end the burden falls on Purebaseball to make this game very hard to cheat at and force managers to have to manage the game relistically. Lastly to respond to the one who defended Wingate....I realize it could have been a fuke by Robot manager and if so I hope Purebaseball makes some changes to Robo cause that fuke gave a team five easy wins. But if you look closely at that series it seemed to be a inteligent fuke one that seemed to be a designed. Every position player was out of not just most but all. I would think randomly a few of eight guy would have by chance played their respective positions but eight guys totally out of position seems to indicate some intelligant design. and randomly for FIVE GAMES!! that kept happening yet the next series when the Baltimore deepbue was playing some one other then Wingate it was up and up robo manager playing as always. Ok maybe that was by chance Geez I am willing to push logic..but then you got a team playing a team out of its division really hard almost saving good players for that purpose againsted a team right behind Wingate's team having rusty players turn ready. How far must I push logic? how many fukes does it take to start to really wonder or question some one being on the up and up?