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perhaps but...

Posted By MBravard

There is a trend here.
In reading more below I see a trashing of a Pedro Martinez UNM trade. Your email to me on the subject was similar but you asked why YOUR offer for Pedro had been unacceptable. But your offer did not appear in the trashing of the one I accepted on the board?
Surely it was fresh in your mind and could have provided a counterpoint in the argument but you chose not to mention your offer.
Why not?
I do not recall the offer but it was not close to anything I would consider for Pedro.

Again--- I respect your ability as a manager and consider you a great part of our community but there are other successful managers who manage to make UNM trades. The difference is that they offer enough value to make me believe the trade could help the UNM team.

Your suggestion to have a board of experts rule on UNM trades can not happen in the short term. It is one of those things that sounds good in theory but will never work. I get countless trade offers and that is with a small current membership. The efficacity of the system can not be duplicated with a board of experts and there is no guarantee it will be more fair.

The possibility that I may at times not be completly fair is certainly a real problem. I try not to let things bother me but a manager's attitiude when pleading his case has to enter into the equation at least occasionally. But would that not be a factor when arguing your case in front of a board? And isn't it a factor in all trade negotiations?

Mike Bravard (PB)