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Streak and Equalization status

Posted By M. Bravard

Neither the streak stats or eqaulization routine will be in effect this season.
We had hopped to get them on line sooner, but our programming resources have been severely cut because of poor marketing and the resultant low revenue this game has generated.

Acceptance of Real Time leagues---even though they have not delivered all promised features as yet---has been very good. The 8 leagues are doeing well and in fact there are only two vacant franchises with a significant amount of aplicants for those two openings.

I regret not having been able to follow through on improvements this season. If you feel that Real Time play is not what you expected and would like to drop your team, please let me know and I will take care of your request promptly.

Again, I am sorry about the slowed down development of the game, but still believe it to be superior to any other on the Internet.

Mike Bravard (PB)