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Posted By Elminster

I recently left PB for time reasons. Can't dedicate the time needed to realisticly compete. That being said...

When you make an accusation and name a culprit, common curtosy dictates you give your name. You know, here in the USA we all have a right to face our accusers. Read not only the PB rules (if you do this, you'll have a blast, guarenteed), but the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES. That wonderful document makes your life much better than you could ever realize.

You blast Mike and Dwight, and they've done nothing but help me. Can't say enough good things about both of them. To accuse them of cheating is ridiculous.

I think I'll even do a little better than give just my name. Here's my email if you want to continue privately, or continue on the board making everyone crazy.

~ Bill