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Posted By ***** ZEKE *****

How about the 1919 World Series? Paying
the players to fix the games can get you wins
also. Nothing wrong with that either,huh?
I can do that in PB too! I'll offer other
managers REAL money to dump games, pass up
on players in draft so I can get them, make
trades that I want to do, etc. For most of
the season the guys in the PB leagues have
been getting away with other stuff like
using outfielders as catchers who end up
throwing everybody out. Guess they have
fixed that with the new version but who
knows? What else is out there that people
can exploit? Who would want to join PB
with this stuff going on?????? The new
managers out there are angry with the
glitches they see in the game BUT the
bigger problem is that the veterans take
advantage of it! Don't any of you want
new GM's and more leagues? Do you want
to keep playing and see PB STAY around?
Keep it up and you'll see it disappear
just like CSN and APBA. The problem is
that too many GM's out there are only
interested in WINNING. How about the
integrity of PB and fantasy baseball?
So, you've won a couple of championships
in fantasy baseball....big f$*^%*(@$g deal!
Is anybody outside of PB impressed? No.
It's just like these softball players in
no name cow towns that play at all costs
to win like it means everything in the world.
They think they are such big shots.....get a
life. Winning, winning, winning....I'm so
sick of people caring about nothing but being
#1. I'm trying to teach my nephew about playing
board games but he's obviously learned from
the other side of the family that winning at
all costs is more important than having a good
time and enjoying who you are with. He cheats
everytime we play and if he is still going to
lose then he says, "Let's start over" or he'll
want to end it and move on to a different game.
Winning is not why I play fantasy baseball.