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Restricting starts for limited players

Posted By RobG

Yes, I know of the current rule, but it still doesn't stop a manager from starting one of these players and letting him play to first 5 or so games in a year. This can result in warped game stats.

An example: Say I'm coming up against an undefeated team. What's to stop me from creating a line up where I bench some solid stars in order to play Joe Schoes just so I can place some .400 batting averages in the lineup? I then take 5 games from the previously undefeated team because I placed 3 key no-names into the lineup. How does the previously undefeated guy feel?

(I speak of this because in my launch league I'm going to run into that situation... the next team I play is currently undefeated). I hope no-one says no-one would do that, because I think we all know it has been done.

I think a better solution would be to add the restriction that limited players can neither start versus their limited side nor pinch hit versus their limited side.

If you think about it in a real world situation... and you go by current rules... then how do you explain to the fans and to the world why you benched Joe Schmo against righties after he just spent 10 games hitting .385 versus them?? You tell them you have a "feeling" that he is going to start batting .150? Nah... that is playing stats... not playing the game.