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Get off the 'personal'...
It's so common here how when somebody thinks it's real cool to go on the 'attack', they all of a sudden stop using their names......
To start with, my team's ratings were and/or are quite comfortable (and getting better through the trade market), thank you. You will find in my posting that I never once said anything about any of MY teams, and I made it a point to be speaking from an 'overall' perspective.
Maybe you think that this is all about 'me', 'him', and 'you', but I have been commissioning various leagues for over 8 years now. I have the experience to think in the LONG TERM about how to keep ALL people interested season after season, not just in the short term about "how good can I be, to hell with the wimps who can't win."
If you understood my POINT (which you obviously didn't - my apologies for not being clear), it's that long-term health of an overall league CAN be affected if there isn't SOMEthing to give the rookies and newbies a chance once they've learned some of the tricks that the more experienced players have already used to their advantage.
And ok, the 70 makes little sense with a 'must-be 27' player roster. My intent was to offer a variation that would still allow a team to keep it's good players, but not 'rule' the league. A cap of 70 would of course require a different keeper system, one where the # of players kept was based partially on the PB level, and not solely on the # of players on the roster. I didn't make that part clear because it was an 'automatic' in my system - my apologies.
And as far as "reading the manual", I stated in my previous followup that since my next draft was so far away, I really WASN'T concerned with that particular bit of fact. I was expressing an educated opinion on a league methodology - I'm sorry you can't tell the difference between that and "whining".
I am merely trying to use this BB within it's intended purpose, as a Discussion Board, a way of putting out ideas - look through the listings, I'm not rare here, and I have never once been a 'whiner'.