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When is a deal not a deal ?

Posted By Brian B

When the other owner reneges of course, with Mike's approval and help.

I did a deal with an owner in T2, we went back and forth and on Sunday I finally signed a derivation that he sent me. Since the league playoffs are still going on Mike didn't approve the trade right away and won't post traders until the season is done. Everything's OK for now. Then I get a message Tuesday from Mike informing me that he was rejecting the trade, not because it was unfair as the rules allow for, but because the other owner changed his mind. He reneged on our trade.
Why did he renege you might ask. Because he susequently received an offer he liked better from another team. WHen I questioned Mike about this decision he wrote that he always allows people to renege because " in the long run it causes less problems than the other way around". For who ? It saves a cheater from a problem and leaves the team that plays by the rules with the dirty end of the stick. When I replied that the right to renege wasn't in the manual Mike said that he "didn't think it was appropriate to put it in the manual". So there are rules that aren't in the manual that protect the dirtbags and screw teams that play by the rules. Nice to know.

So if you make a deal during the offseason don't make plans around it, the other owner has the unquestionable right to renege. Or if you have no priniples, just renege on a trade if you see a better offer or one of the included players situation changes. Go ahead, Mike thinks it's no big deal and doesn't threaten the integrity of our trading system.

I'd love to hear what the rest of you owners think about this.