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Not as big a deal to me

Posted By Ian

Tim, while I get the basic apocalyptic vision you've laid out, this is a capitalistic game. The cut to 27 every year keeps us honest, and if you can pick up valuable players as throw-ins to keep you from having to use your not-quite-baked prospects in key situations -- isn't that fairly realistic in today's game? Isn't that exactly what the Yankees are doing by signing Lance Johnson so they don't waste Donzell McDonald on the bench? I don't worry so much about managers of non-contenders giving away one-year players as throw-ins. Not that I'd balk at an increase to 40, and I do think the 35-man cap is oppressive. I guess it comes down to how tough it is for PSG to administer a limit -- but if I had to choose between 35 and no limit at all, I'd vote for no limit.