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5th game

Posted By Cameron

I don't know if this is official or not but I have heard that if you don't report the 5th game you will take a loss. One of Mike's leaugue bulletins that I read not too long ago eluded to that.

The glitch you encountered with 2 games running may be part of the reason that they don't allow you to re-start games that are incomplete now. Lets hope that it's not a concern anymore.

It is PB's fault if people don't have confidence that the game results are fair. It doesn't really matter if anyone is REALLY cheating because as long as people believe that it is possible, the integrity of the sim is somewhat diminished. If people believe that cheating is easy, they are more likely to suspect it. If they start to suspect that alot of cheating is going on, they are less likely to stick around and keep paying for the privilage of being cheated. This is why, in order to give PB a chance to survive, Mike will never admit that there are security flaws being exploited. Don't expect him too because it's not in the best interest of the game. On the other hand, don't assume that it doesn't exist just because they say it doesn't. If you suspect something, make some noise about it. Mike and the PB staff may not be talking much about security issues but they are certainly listening.