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Just My Thoughts

Posted By RROD

I have played Pure Baseball for about three years now maybe longer. Over all I have noticed the SIM stats to be Very realistic. Some players it's how you use them. In M13 My Griffey has a much higher BA than in real life, simply cause I don't let him hit against lefties.
However I do have some questions and observations.
ONE: My teams always do better on the road. I in the past have chalked that up to I stink and take to many risk. But after reading the input here I wonder.
TWO: Please explain how the robot picks RP and PH.
Sometimes it seems to make no sense to me. As far PH's go the robot picks PH based on pos when it should just send up the best hitter especially in a one run game.
Why is there no option to bunt for a hit?
Or play infield at double play depth?

Just my thoughts.