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Posted By MBravard

If you fill out your manager options and project BFA correctly, your starter will start if he is READY.

While it is easy to claim that all of this was done, when TECH takes valuable time away from development work to check, the ROBOT is "perfect" in this regard. Obviously two authors above either did not ask me about the error or asked me and did not beleive my response and will not take this post as the truth either. I suggest you post an organizational message in your league or ask some of the winning managers in your perp league if they think BFA is not working. For my part, if it were not working I would move heaven and earth to make it work because the hate mail would be voluminous and my own teams would not function on the road. If the ROBOT messed up Sele (above example), why would he not screw up every game?

There are many managers on this networt, including me, who use the ROBOT to set up raod game starters wihout a hitch. It has been flawless except for one known bug.

The ROBOT has occasionally failed to recognize a pithcer making his first appearance of the season (after game 1 of season) as a road starter in game one of series. This had to be fixed a couple of differnet times but is now stable as far as I know.

It is regrettable when the wrong pithcer is used, but if options are correct and complete and the starter has at least 30 BFA--he will take the mound.

Mike Bravard (PB)