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Stepping In

Posted By Tim A.

My experience has been that when Commishioner Mike Bravard is notified of a team that has been "abandoned" and needs some attention he will step in.

For example I routinely message him regarding teams that are littered with Overused or Worn Out or Injured Players while usable players are on the farm team. In most every instance the situation is taken care of in time for the next weeks games. I want to praise Mike for taking care of those kinds of situations.

I personally try to keep the injured and overused players off of my active roster whenever possible -- But I can understand how some people with less time (or maybe they go on vacation for 3 weeks or something) can at times end up having these unusable players active. I don't necessarily think that NEGLECT necessarily constitutes TANKING -- sometimes neglect is a benign unintentional thing. But if in a certain situation evidence were found that a team was tanking I would be displeased.