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Yes... but you can work around it

Posted By Cameron

I have found that it is next to impossible to set manager options through the schedule page. I don't think that many people notice because they don't often go back and check. From many... many... many tests here is what I've found.

1. Once you try to set the manager options for a game through the schedule page... you're screwed unless you just leave the defaults that come up. There will almost always be a scramble if you made any signifigant changes before you submitted them.

2. Setting default manager options through the schedule page does not work. Again.. you almost always get some scrambling.

3. Setting default manager options though the link in the front office works. Once you set default options this way, they will come up as the defaults in your schedule.

I know it sounds like a pain (especially if you want different settings from game to game of an away series) but if you set your defaults through the front office link and don't alter them before you submit them on the schedule page they will stick. Again... once you make a change before you submit.. you will never get them to stop scrambling for that particular game.