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Good League / Bad League

Posted By Tim A.

Well I personally just went through a moving process and didn't have access to my e-mail for 10 days (it felt like I must have been in hell) so I can understand how occasionally things happen.

But aside from the exceptional event like that I've found that some leagues (or people) are easier to mesh with than others.

It takes two to tango and in some leagues its much easier to find a tango partner than others (sometimes its difficult to even find brain activity).

in K15, F18, and 99 T2 I make trades left and right and have no problems.

In S3, K17, and 200 RT1 its like pulling teeth to get a trade done (at least for me). If I had to cut back on teams these would have to be the first to go because the complete lack of trading opportunities makes them really frustrating.