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Back scratchers

Posted By Parch

I'm not accusing anybody of anything, but you must admit it wouldn't be that hard to do.

"If you help me in this league, I'll help you in this other league."

It's simply a matter of picking up an unmanaged team and trading away all the talent/picks to your "friend", then dumping the team. He does the same for you in another league. If the commish vetos a trade, they simply fine tune it until the commish accepts the deal, but it's always in the favor of one team.

It sucks, but it's that simple. There are so many leagues and so many trades, the commish can't possibly see when this is happening. He has to look at each trade individually. When there are multiple players involved in a single trade, it becomes even more difficult to prevent a lopsided deal.

So what can we do about it? Perhaps it's up to the managers in each league to watch for this. Nobody wants to accuse others of collusion, but if that what it takes, so be it. Multiple trades and multiple players between the same two teams in which only one of the teams seems to benefit is definately suspicious. A note to the commish pointing out the discrepencies would seem logical.

Collusion is too easy. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to it. If any manager accumulates several of these "discrepencies" then he doesn't deserve to be part of PB.