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One Problem Inherent:

Posted By EddieL

In this system, where there are many leaagues, it's inevitable that some guys will do a favor in one league, and receive a favor in another. I think that managers should not be permitted to play in more than one league together, unless they waive the right to trade with each other in additional leagues.

Also, Even though it's often possible to get these one-sided trades approved, repeat performances, or perceived 'loaning' of players, should be harshly dealt with. I know it's revenue for PB, but warning, fining, and even IP banning abusers will smarten guys up.

Third, as a long time APBA league player, (over 30 years) one of the great pleasures has always been the camaraderie among the managers. Here, it's hard to get that, since we mostly use email, and seldom even chat online. I've rejoined my favorite APBA league for that reason. When leagues are as impersonal as the ones here, abuses are more likely to happen.