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Enough to investigate

Posted By Brian B.

Rayner, The facts here in 98T2 look as if something is wrong. There are a series of trades between 2 teams in which 1 team gave another all of it's talent and then dropped out. It didn't spread its largess around, only trading with the one team. Then another team popped up to do the same, trading their talent to one team, THE SAME TEAM AS THE FIRST TIME. This time they did one trade with another team.
This alone does not constitute proof, but certainly is ample reason to investigate further. Who were the other owners ? Why did they give so much for so little so consistently ? Why did they trade only with the one team or, for the period they overlapped, with each other ? Do these other owners exist, or has someone set up multiple accounts and channelled the talent from a few teams into one ?
People would like to know. The feeder team that is still being managed is managed by L.Brawley. I think Mike should check this out and let people know what happened here.