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Posted By EddieL

Thats what I have heard direct from the commish. However I believe that he should have revealed to ALL right from the start that this is not yet incorporated. I have told him I believe that both a late season adjustment AND streak stat use are features that are far more than just frills. If you want to see how using fast starters works, look at 2000RT2 and check out DeKalb. I feel our game is severely compromised by this, and it should be given top priority. It's WAY more important than lifetime manager records and new interfaces. It is also false advertising to claim these cutting-edge features are part of the package.

I still feel we have the best game going, but it makes me wonder how many other features are BULL. Does it really matter where your infield plays? What about catchers' subjective ratings?

Mike has said these are concerns, yet they still take people's money based on the assumption this game is a finished product. I can appreciate that it's a small operation, but don't be advertising what isn't truly being offered. There are many of us who have volunteered to help with the routine stuff, so that he and Dwight can use more energy on producing a quality product.