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Posted By Mark

Before I make any suggestions let me just say that P.B is a thouroughly enjoyable hobby,very realistic , challenging, and a whole lot of fun. That being said a couple of things nag at me a bit:
1)I am an old table top dice gamer. One thing I miss about those games is that I could look at a chart and read the rules and know exactly what the percentages were for a specific play. I would love to have a peak at some of the algorithims for P.B in regards to some of their strategic plays such as the suicide squeeze, the hit and run, and the steal.The suicide squeeze is such a rarely attempted play in real baseball that I wonder how P.B derives a success rate in their game. I do not use the play often , but I have noticed that even with a very good bunter the play seems to be successful a small percentage of the time.How much does the infield being in matter?With regards to the hit and run , how much does it matter if the runner on first is being held? The stolen base can be peplexing at times as well. For instance I have Adrian Brown on my team who I believe stole 13 bases without being caught once. He has been thrown out 5 times for me already. Should he only run against poor catchers and pitchers who hold runners on poorly? Should he only steal bases in non - critical situations? Is he just a victim of bad luck? I would love to be able to have an idea of what his success rate should be in different situations. Now I know a real manager does not have a chart in front of him telling him what the percentages are on each play. However,do the strategic plays in P.B mirror M.LB, or are they modeled after what the creators of P.B feel they should be?
2)I have seen this thread before , but I would like to revisit the idea of awarding the top F.A picks to the teams with the better records,with the logic being that winning teams are better able to attract free agents in real life. The first few picks in the F.A draft can really yield some gems that it would seem should not be assigned arbitrarily.This would probably help dumping to an extent as teams in the middle of the pack would have more of an incentive to win.The weaker teams are more than compensated for their poor play by the rookie draft. A pitcher like a Jeff D'Amico should not be assigned to a team on a roll of the dice.
3)I would LOVE if P.B would add one more job description in their away instructions, that of loogy. As I have seen mentioned before that is E.SP.N'S AND S.TA.T.S John Sickels term for lefty one out guy.Almost every major league team has a guy like this and I've got to believe that it should me somehow progammable to have a lefty reliever face one or two lefties in critical situations in the late innings.
As I've stated before I love the game , but I feel the only way to make it better is to make suggestions as to what we would like to see in the future.