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Why not use the "BACK" button on your browser??

Posted By RobG


ONE: (A little more involved)
You could have pressed the "Back" button on your browser taking you back to the news page. Then you select everything you typed and COPY it into your buffer.

Then, hit the FORWARD button on your browser, LOG IN and then go to the news page and PASTE your story back in. Submit and you are done.

TWO (a little easier)
You could have continued to SIGN IN, and then hit the BACK button on your browser UNTIL you reached the news editing page you tried to submit earlier. Everything will still be there. You then could have pressed SUBMIT again and it ould have been posted.

Both of the above work, I know, because I have done both.

as an aside - there is no anonymity here... I believe they track who posts either hidden on each page, or through another file. They just take your username from the same cookie that times out and logs you out of PB automatically :). So no need for the colourful names :p

W9 - Port Huron Hurrican