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PV Value, my thoughts

Posted By Garth

I am so anxious to go at you. I think we're in opposite Sr league divisions, but LL 2000-6 is so dead w/Robo managed teams. I hope the 2001 stats will bring out the active managers. Hurray for PB for turning around so quickly with the new stats this year. I wished they did so last year.

Anyhow, at the risk of giving up secrets of unknown value (worthless?), here are my observations and thoughts regarding PB values:

1. There is something wrong with The Unit's PB value for 2001. He should be much closer to, or better than, Schilling. I wonder whether defense plays too big a part for pitchers. Perhaps Johnson made a couple of errors, or allowed GBs to go through. I think Unit is marked down for not making more infield plays. Gee, why is Randy Johnson fielding more groundballs? Ks perhaps?

2. Pitcher's PBs are higher than previous years. I've always mentally adjusted the pitchers' value up. Now I wonder whether PB made an adjustment, or whether the top pitchers were more important last year.

3. Position is everything. Check Aurilia's vs LuGo. Gonzalez is is a much better hitter but Aurilia is rated higher because he is better vs. other SS. Ug. Lower rounds. Ug. How do you rate them?

4. My Secret. I've got a new theory about PB and player values. I am designing my draft lists for both PB2001 1 and 2 based on this theory. So if I have a good team, send me an email and I'll decide whether to disclose my secrets. If I draft a bad team, then just mock me online and call to the attention of good owners how I once bragged of a better system.