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Managing or Tricking System

Posted By Patrick

I have read, with interest and some surprise, some disturbing threads on this discussion board that make me wonder...are some people just really good baseball managers or are they good computer program manipulators. I'm talking of the "tricks" that some managers use and defend in an effort to try to win games. There are various ones that people have talked about lately. What they are is not really important, for it has nothing to do with any baseball knowledge or talent, but rather detecting a weakness in the system and exploiting it. My feeling is, that type of behavior is not competition in any sense of the word. It is much closer to what I would call cheating. Competition is realizing your opponent has a catcher who can't throw anyone out...and then running on him every chance you get (this mimics real-life baseball). Finding a way to submit your line-up card to get the computer to do something advantageous for you is not sportsmanship. Having players play in positions they are not rated for may be OK for a game or two but for the whole season, its just not what happens in real-life on the baseball field. So, am I trying to impose my morality on all the other managers...No! I'm just trying to get the ones who are doing things like this to reconsider. I will continue to play the game fair and square, win or lose. It must be a hollow victory to win based on your ability to outfox other teams with computer glitches!