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PB Value and Pitcher Grades...the Biggest Mystery in PB!

Posted By Danb

Can someone offer me a semi-coherent explanation of how "PB Value" and "Grade" numbers are assigned? I get that playing time is a factor in PB Value, so I don't pay much attention to it in drafting. I do pay attention to grades, though, and can't explain the following example:

In the new 2002 launch leagues (based on the 2001 season), Mays has a higher "PB value" than Johnson (7.983 vs. 6.558), even though Johnson pitched more innings (249.2 vs. 233.2), had a lower OPS against for both left and right (.577/.586 vs. .688/.625), AND has a better "Grade" (8.9/9 vs. 7.8/8.2).

Johnson was a much better pitcher (look at those OPS differences!) AND he pitched more. You'd think that would translate into a higher value for Unit. BOB was more pitcher-friendly than the baggie-dome, but THAT gives Mays 20%+ more value?

Please, someone enlighten me!