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Rookie Lists and Contraction

Posted By Dave

On the Rookie lists--I'm not sure but I think we had this same conversation last year. It seems to me that it was a few weeks after the season was over before the Rookie lists were posted. The Real Time leagues and at least one Trad league (2000 Trad 1) haven't finished their playofs.

Contraction sounds workable for leagues with four unmanaged teams. It could actually add interest because a contraction draft could improve competitiveness. I think you're on to something, Stan.
Contracting leagues would be hard because it would really penalize those owners who have been rebuilding. Sometimes rebuilding can be a two or three year process and I'd hate to go through that and then be offered a new team in another league instead of the team I'd been building.
Hope somebody is listening to these ideas--we could use more timeliness in some instances.