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Sad Reality

Posted By Garth

I must agree that Telescan has just been milking the little business here until it folds this site, and that may be soon. Look at the little investment they have made in the past couple of years: no real employees, Bravard obviously spends more time on real Telescan business (finacial information/database), they continue to use an independent tech guy who puts this assignment aside whenever he gets another job, there has been no promotion or sign-up drives. There were 22 2000 LLs, only 6 2001 LLs.

They are just letting it die.

It is unfortunate, because they will never know whether this had a chance. I found the game last year, and have been surprised by the problems wraught by lack of attention. It could have been better: A little automation, a college intern to press some start buttons, a tech with either more time available or less day-to-day responsibility, a more smooth and reliable gaming experience and some simple promotion (website listings, SOMETHING out of their Sportsline deal, etc.) - and I think this game would have continued to grow. But we will probably never know. It has lasted longer than many dot-coms, but it doesn't look like Telescan plans to stay in this business for the long haul.