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good discussion topic though

Posted By DaveF

The comment on being like the government holds some value as I see the role of government - not to make this too political a discussion.

One role of government isn't to keep someone or some corporation from being successful, but to ensure a level playing field by appropriate regulation. Just like the Enron problem and the banking scandal before it, too little regulation encourages those who are out to "beat the system".

Similarly, the COMMISH needs to continue to monitor leagues for possible abuse situations and evaluate trades to prevent collusion or extremely one-sided trades. He also needs to fix the bugs in the game module that allow unfair use of players - such as a pitcher who pitched few innings and gave up no runs but is allowed unlimited use in the game (e.g. 25 strikeouts in a complete 17 inning game by a pitcher who only pitched about 5 innings actual). Once we have a level playing field, then the rest is just fair competition. To expect us to police ourselves is naive but also unfair because each of us have a different concept of what is good managing and what is unsportsmanlike.

Just like business needs government regulations, we need the COMMISH to regulate our game.

I'm not in favor of a PB cap though. Don't penalize success, just make sure the success came about on a level playing field.