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Returning Manager

Posted By Cameron

I left PB before last season. At the time that I left... I was probably one of the most vocal critics there was with regard to this subject. In the end I left not because of the game problems but personal things that were consuming my time. Things have calmed down a bit in my life so I decided to return this year. Upon getting my account re-instated and looking at the available team list I was in shock.. well sort of.. The number of un-managed perpetual teams is alarming but I can't really say that I'm surprised. After all, I predicted such things myself on these very boards over two years ago. Back then it was very hard to raise these issues becuase when you did your comments were immediately drowned out by a large number of hard core supporters. It surprises me that they are so silent now. Maybe they left. Maybe they see that these issues are valid. Maybe they just have not had the opportunity to respond yet. I'm not sure but it seems as though things have gotten worse. I have not had the opportunity to see the current game client.. but by all indications so far the game itself looks to have been in a time capsule for the past year. It's pretty much the same. No development whatsoever. As discouraging as that is, it's even more disappointing that improvements have not been gained behind the scenes that would allow the leagues to run more smoothly without delays. This game is great, and it amazes me that it continues to be under developed. It is only a matter of time before one of the large gaming companies steps into this market in a big way with a real business model, development capital and a game system that can handle large numbers of subscribers. You cannot expect your subscribers to continue to pay a premium price for something that is in the early stages of development. There are very few of us suckers willing to accept that price tag year after year as the development slowly creeps along. I undertand that Mike and Dwight invest alot of time into this. I understand that they are probably not making money and quite possibly loosing money each and every year. It seems that this game is constantly on the verge of collapse and that is a concern to subscribers who are investing time and money into a perpetual game. This game badly needs a larger subscriber base and it can't have that until the functionality behind the scenes can handle it effiently. Even then the price will probably have to be dropped for it to gain wide spread popularity. I dearly want to see this game succeed on a large scale and it won't without major changes in the way it is going about business.

P.S. The amount of un-managed teams is a disgrace and needs to be addressed before this season starts. I would challenge all who read this to come up with some inventive ideas on how to get these teams managed. My suggestion is to offer a premium membership that would allow the subsriber to pick up one team in each league that is unmanaged. Leagues with only half the teams managed are no fun.