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There will be a strike....

Posted By RobG

Let's face it... baseball is SICK.

1) Players are always demanding more money - even when most don't deserve half of what they are making
2) Idiot owners and obliging by paying rediculous amounts
3) There are far more media idiot players then there are actual salesmen for the game
4) Gameplay is getting longer, and longer, and longer as pitchers readjust their cups 5 times before each pitch. I think they all must have wireless antennae hidden down there in order to allow them to call their oracles to see what pitch to throw next.
5) The league is so imbalanced between rich and poor teams you have to wonder why some teams even bother to show up for the season. I mean, do the fans in Florida actually think their team was going to be competative this year? Something has to be done to balance the league (ala NFL).

And stopped ragging on Selig - he is only party to blame. I place most of the blame on the Baseball union. They have singlehandedly destroyed America's game with their greed.

And don't feed me that crap about baseball players deserve 90 million dollars to play 9 years of ball because the fans pay to see them. The last time I checked the regular coporations like IBM aren't forced to pay their staff millions to show up for work, even despite the fact that they all perform to keep IBM profitable. Salaries are way out of control, and the union and agents are loving it - after all, these parasitic bloodsuckers skim from the massive contract's their players receive right? Why would the union want to do anything to help the game.

To be honest, I would like to see the whole house of cards collapse into a bloody mess.