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Cudos to the Commish - could we be turning the corner?

Posted By Cameron

I am very impressed and encouraged by the latest news from the commish. I think that maybe we have finally turned the corner and there is reason to believe that things can move forward once again.

First I have to compliment Mr. Bravard on his frankness and honesty, late as it may be. It is overwhelmingly obvious that this game could never have survived this long without his hard work and dedication.

I think all of us, at one time or another, have done something we worked really hard at and are extremely proud of. The commish has every right to be proud of what has been achieved here. On the other hand, I don't think all of us know how it feels to see that same thing you are so proud of grow increasingly beyond his/her sphere of influence, control and ability. Those of you with teenage children probably have a good idea of what I mean here. I think that Mike deserves a hell of a lot of credit. It is never easy to let go, in whole or in part, of something that you have created and worked on so passionately for so long. It also takes great courage to stand up and announce that your efforts have fallen short. To step aside and take a less prominent role in PB so that it can hopefully grow and flourish is a great sacrifice and only further proves what most of us already know about Mike. Mike's unselfish dedication to this hobby has provided us all with the opportunity to be pioneers along side him. He has built a mighty fine ship and sent it on what many of us hope will be a very long journey. With some help, he can hopefully get this thing back on course and up to speed again. I know alot of us passengers sure hope so. Thank you and good luck Mike.

Cameron Joyner.
Toronto Thunder, PB98RT1.