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The last thing we need now is another round of cheerleading.

Posted By Cameron

I believe I am a fair minded person. But the very last thing we need right now is for all the cheerleaders to start up again. Give credit where credit is due.. but don't pretend that everything is just fine. The so called "doom and gloomers" have been more right than wrong for several years now. Take a good look at the state of most of the perpetual leagues and you have all the evidence you need draw this conclusion. I don't agree with the personal attacks that have been launched towards Mike.. but I do agree with the valid points that people have made with regard to the way things have been mishandled here.

There has always been a core of blind supporters here. Cheering on no matter what. And maybe that is why this game is still around. They all used to love to say how there was nothing was even close to PB anwywhere else and at the time this was true. Well guess what? There are other games now. They are getting closer and closer to PB. They are moving forward and improving. PB on the other hand is at best in a holding pattern and has been so for several years now. There is good evidence to suggest that it getting worse instead of better.

The "if you don't like it then leave and good riddance" attitude is nothing new here. In fact, it has been par for the course for as long as I can remember. This is so misguided. If people leave this game development can NOT move forward.

I think that Mike himself must realize that this blind cheerleading does nothing to improve things and if he doesn't he should know it. How many nice little mom a pop type operations have been run out of business by Wal-Mart type competition? The answer is plenty. Make no mistake.. the barbarians are at the gate. They are growing in strength and in numbers.

If things don't change here how long do you think that PB can maintain the ever narrowing edge they have over the competition? How narrow can that gap get before people totally abandon it for something that offers more stability and convenience? And where will all the cheerleaders be then? You guessed it.. Wal-Mart.