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response 2 Cameron

Posted By Charles Mick

I agree with you on the cycle part and very insightful, actually I agree with you about everything you just said as I am sure most of the supports or have you Customers do. whenever you message(EMAIL) Tech or the Commissioner you should get a speedy response, all aspects of the game should function 100 % if your paying 100% and lastly your again very insightful about how the net is growing of that Purebaseball should be growing yet its not?
Even of the complaints I seen posted, they all seemed valid and I felt for them. This has to stop or we're start to find ourselfs in a 24 team league with only 10 teams that have owners. No question PB is at a crossroads
Last part I want to respond to before I switch hats and do a counter point is-the thing you said that I felt was most important is this counter productive "attacking" people who make valid complains. It makes people quit pure N simple!
Switching sides
We all have a vested interest in the success of Purebaseball. Thus to keep things positive will help to fill the leagues. valid league wide complain would involve first trying to work things out EMAIL and give Mike some time before you blast him public. ( please no name calling)Infact one friend from work I tried to recruit read some messages and said no way
I keep hearing talk about other online games but I am yet to find one that is nearly as Good as Purebaseball. Problem might be Purebaseball is too good for its own good. Meaning-its very detailed of that exchanges luck for skill more then any Sims game out there. That is why in a post some time ago I suggested other avenues I.E. less detailed games such as Fantacy baseball game and something more on the lines of APBA baseball style(1-9 WINK). Case impoint there was a guy in my division who had a team as good if not better then mine yet was in last place and quit. In closing this thought out, I think alot of managers get frusterated and blame the game; but the truth of the matter is this is the best Sims game ever! again in my attempt to recuit #1 reason its too complicated. I blame public school for not teaching people math now days LOL
Mike Bravard is da man, I mean yes there is much to be said about his customer service skills PR but fact is he has saved Purebaseball and I trust working his butt off to keep it afloat' very thankful for that.
Me as a customer/support my feelings are I dont mind any little glitches IE none catchers throwing people out ect ect.Just please keep the game going and find a way to keep the owners that are here N bring new owners in. How? I dont know but I hope and trust Mike Bravard does. I am trusting he realize how important this is to us and how much time N heart we put in our teams of that we are counting on him. If I am wrong I just spent days working out trades to improve my teams long term future....but I believe its Mikes goal to do just that in time.

PS there is one glitch I just can NOT stand:) allowing pitchers with less then 20 innings to play period! Doug Nickles type:(

Cameron enjoyed reading your very insightful post and agree with you just as I had empathy for Doug Deceans SP assuming what he said was true and that he quit WOW 10 teams those reason had to have really botherd him: response to his Emails and brought up some other valid points. But wanted to also add I believe Mike is trying hard support his family while also making sure Purebaseball works. pointing out some positive things...mainly this is by far the best SIMMS GAME and I trust Mike is committed to keep things afloat. Right after he responded to the league I picked up two new teams(Doug Decean's)...not that I have time ok I work for the Goverment so I do LOL but wanted to help out more and even offered to help him manage some unowned teams-- And I shall onced Mike finally answeres my email JUST JOKING<