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I did not mean PB change the game to easier one

Posted By Cmick

To respond to a few emails I got, I didnt imply PB abadon our present game format, no keep this game...I love it but also add other baseball games less damanding such as FANTASY (ROTO) and even APBA style game. With the thought....offer more diverse levels of play to obtain more users. Of this a person might grow from a fantacy a APBA game then to our Sims format. Fantacy is real simple, just put a player in a slot and your done, APBA style just deals with numbers format from 1-9/36 possible play results.

There is a reason why over 90% of all online baseball games are fantasy, it offers simplicity along with being free. This might get people in the PB door who we hope would grow to eventually desire a more challenging format. Bottomline-more HITS to this site better chances of grows.

Most of my frequently used sites I obtained from doing a web search...if a person does a fantasy baseball web seach PB will come up if a sims then again PB will appear on their list.

What I am proposing is PB offer a free fantasy game then add a APBA game or someing on those lines charging a small monthly fee along with a one time charge to download each season disk.
On the other hand I do not know how complicated it would be for Mike Bravard to make these changes, admittedly I never ran a website so will leave this as just a suggestion that the bigger minds might say "hey that is a good idea or what most probably will come of it, I dont know what I am talking about" My reason behind this suggestion is I strongly feel Purebaseball is by far the best if we could just get more people in the door wow this might grow fast(explode). Its amazing how fast a site can grow online. I'm sure any positive advice is welcome

Hey if this works out I only want 10% commission WINK Charles Mick