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Is There Cheating?

Posted By Tim Shine

Cheating? I would say it is probably going on but MB would have to speak to the issue.

My name is Tim Shine and most of you know me because I'm in your league. In fact, I am in all 27 Traditional leagues and five of the real time leagues. I don't often write on the Bulletin Board as I don't have lots of time and I am not that deeply interested in all the issues I see. But cheating - that's a different story.

With all those teams, I play on average, 80 home games a week (most of you know too that I am usually done playing my home games by Sunday AM). I guess you could call me an expert on the IN PROGRESS games. Well, I never have them unless the power fails while I'm playing a game and then it could be any one of the five games in a series. So, if there were a large proportion of game 5 games being left IN PROGRESS then I would say that we do have a problem. Frankly though I have not seen very many of my away teams left that way - just a few. I know nothing of the double/triple click that was mentioned that would freeze a game and I don't intend to experiment. But I don't doubt for a minute that it's an accurate description of an event.

What bothers me more than anything that I have read here is the duplicate game scenario and this is something MB should address. We all know that until a game is reported to the host it resides on our hard drive in the RsiBB folder. If someone has more than one computer with this folder downloaded, it seems to me that it might be possible to start a game on as many computers as you have and only report the one you want to the host - obviously your computers have to be either networked or at different locations. I guess you would then trash the folder on the other computers and download it again, thus giving you a clean slate for the next game. Is this possible? I don't know but if so it's an elaborate way to cheat. How many would go to this trouble? Probably less than a handful and if they enjoy winning that way (assuming it's possible) then there is nothing we can do about it. Cheaters usually tire of the game - cheating and PB.

Thought I'd throw in my two cents and hope that MB responds.
