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5th Game "Do-Over"

Posted By RickO

Geez, that very scenario happened to me on a recent away series. My opponent plays four games before I even realize the series is available for play. Then...nothing till Tuesday. Could be legit, though. I'm not a suspicious guy, but I am going to log each time this sort of thing happens to me. Of course, if a "cheater" waited until Monday to start playing the series, ...

I remember reading deep down on the board that way back in the late 90's they used to show the date and time that each game was reported. Maybe reinstating this would help in monitoring this. I know, I know, bigger fish to fry, add it to the list...

But what about this, from "Policy on Game RESETS"

"The last game of any regular season series will not be reset and will be forfeited as in #1 above."

Maybe this policy could be extended to 'started' games, not just games reported as 'crashed'. I'm sure they can tell when a game has been started...

I'm not gonna let it bother me, though. Life's too short. You need to win that bad, do what you gotta do.

Hamilton Redbirds
PB 98 RT2