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I still wish they went out...

Posted By RobG

I think more would have been accomplished. I don't think this has really solved anything. Yes, the owners got their foot in the door - but to no real success. It would have been great to see the season wiped out, because if anything it would have struck deep into the pockets of the Yankees who would have lost their post season TV money and their post season gate money etc... etc... George relies on that extra cash to make ends meet. You can be sure he was very vocal in keeping the season going.

The owners could then have imposed whatever deal they wished at the end of the season. They could have structured the game as they saw fit and maybe could have brought some sanity to the payrolls. Where else but baseball are the employees so empowered to make all decisions over management.

As long at the owners are divided the player's will reign supreme. I love baseball, I'm just really begining to hate the Major League flavor of the game where millionaires fight amongst themselves while we pitiful saps must continue to pay escalating ticket prices to watch increasingly unbalanced teams play meaningless games (since the post season is pretty much set at the beginning of the year).

Ah well... what was once a complete consuming passion of mine has quickly become a sport that simply bridges the gap between NHL seasons.