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Contraction Draft Proposal

Posted By T hart

The discussion of contraction seems to have wandered from 'what to do re. dead teams in sick leagues' to what some are viewing as a panacea for all PB.

Sticking to the leagues that need contraction I propose:

1.) Hold regular rookie draft.

2.) Cut to 28 players just as we regularly do for the FA draft. The teams to be contracted would be cut to 28 as well. The players to be cutfro the teams to be contracted would be the 7 with the lowest PB from the previous year. I know this would throw some young prospects into the FA draft, but I see little harm in that.
3.) At this point, any teams willing to participate in drafting the available 112 players in the contraction pool must make additional cuts.
If you want a chance at 4 players, you cut 4 players. You can participate in as many as 6 rounds. The draft should be front-end loaded, meaning the teams that cut the most players have access to first picks. ie. if only 2 teams cut 6 players -those 2 teams ONLY participate in RD 1. if 4 more teams cut 5, that will make 6 teams participating in rd 2 etc...

Higher risk, higher reward.

This will help disburse the re-introduced players and allow those teams that deem themselves most in need of help the opportunity to avail themselves of it.

4.) All players noit chosen will be then added to the FA pool