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David Ortiz /Pb Discussions

Posted By Mark .S

This is not really a subjective rating disagreement, but I notice that David Ortiz is listed as having 143 injury games on his 2002 stat page.
1) I am concerned with all of the talk about super teams and league balance.P.B is a game.The idea of a game is to win and to have fun while doing so. I do not believe in punishing someone for assembling a great team We all start out equally in a league , some of us put a lot of work in our teams, some do not. It's a personal choice and no way is correct. I believe that the rookie draft is a great equalizer for the poor teams and call me a radical, but I believe that if you change the F.A order it should be to award the highest free agent picks in a lottery , just like the rookie draft, HOWEVER I WOULD GIVE THE BETTER TEAMS THE TOP PICKS. Just as in real baseball free agents go to winning teams. I'm sure I am in the minority on this , but under no circumstances would I change the free agent draft to mirror the rookie draft with the poor teams getting top picks. P.B gives no rewards to winning teams besides personal satisfaction. Awarding higher free agent choices to good teams would keep a healthy competitive spirit even when pennant races are over.
2) I'm not crazy about having a P.B cap, but if Mike feels that it is needed to ensure P.B's or various leagues survival, I can live with it. However the formula is arrived at I think the bar should be set at a High level. It should not be a common occurence for a team to be over the P.B limit.
3)Vacant teams perhaps could be given out on a non paying or discounted basis on a one season basis with the option to pick up the team on a normal payment schedule after that.
4)Trade approval is fine the way it is. It is essential to have a system and all things considered ours works well.
5)One more radical idea.It's just a thought, but I wonder sometimes if P.B's services come at to low of a price.I get a heck of a lot of enjoyment from this hobby, on a dollar per value basis I can think of no other activity where I get so much for so little.I am not one of those managers with many teams, those guys should be saluted and by no means would I want to alienate anyone . It seems to me however that P.b needs a cash inflow. Whether it be to advertise, or to hire programmers and tech support people, or shudder-to make a little money for the people running the show, I would be very curious to know if anyone would be willing to ante up a little to improve the state of this hobby.If it would cause many of the multi team managers to leave or drop teams , obviously it's a bad idea. Just curious what people think.