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foster teams idea

Posted By MBravard

I have already talked about the problems we will encounter making this idea work, in terms of programming resources used, but there is another perhaps more salient issue:

How many volunteers and how many teams can we expect to be "fostered"

Some leagues have so many openings that the job is probably way too big to expect that we could all expect trade responses from all those unmanaged teams.

Plus the time taken by volunteers to run those teams will take away from time they could be using to run their many teams...

By contracting to 20 in 24-team leagues with over 4 openings we do several positive things:

1. 20 team leagues make tradign easier as there is more depth at all positions

2. the re-allocation of the players will favor the waeker franchises thereby increasing league balance.

3. the re-allocation of players makes the off season more intetresting

4. managers who have worked hard to build their teams WILL not be contracted and will not lose thier teams (dropping leagues option means teams down the drain)

Mike B