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2 cents Commissioner/Reporters...Answers/Questions

Posted By Chuck M.

Clearly Reporting could spark a sense of Community in leagues. Trying to hightlight some positive aspects: during big series, draft results ect. Creating a social interactive game is what will keep people staying with PB. Why I suggested at some point when possible to think about adding a live chat room..say trade room and Chat room. Guys could meet up there and hammer out a trade or get some input from others about some trade ideas or just go to the chat room and talk about what we love to talk about BASEBALL.short of live chats room P.B. does offer many different forums to communicate and it would be great if others took advantage....probably they will just need a spark. Descussion board is a resent example man has that been hopping.
Commissioner Duties- I believe the key thing is to view it as a league protector/Guarding position. Making sure teams/owners do not make unbalanced trades that will hurt the franchise which will hurt the league I.E. might be a soon to be unowned team. Clearly next and where your time will be most need is overseeing unmanaged teams to insure each series they put their best team possible on the field to be fair.
Now switching hats and being the question guy then answer guy; At first I thought we'd League commissioners would have some form of access to make these changes to unmanaged teams but from what I now gather our job is to Email Mike and he will make the changes? about the trade idea...dunno guess after the trade is made and if approved by Mike we're see it like all others in the league and then Email the commissioner Mike if we feel it was not balanced and just slipped past Mike?

Chuck Mick