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PB Value Limitations

Posted By F.White

I would like to add to the discussion an example or model that could possibly be used to set the PB Value Limitation that would impact 3% to 5% of the teams, if that is the objective.

1. Average PB Value Before Any Draft 80.0

2. Add the Avg. PB Value of Rookies
Available in the Rookie Draft 2.8

Less the % of Rookie PB Value
taken in Previous Rookie Drafts X 82%

Total to Add for Rookie PB Value +2.3

Total Before Cut & After Rookie Draft 82.3

3. Subtract Avg. PB Value Cut To Get
To 27 From Previous Years Cuts to 27 -1.2

Average PB Value before FA Draft 81.1

4. Apply PB Value Limitation Pctg. X 120%

Total PB Value Limitation After Cut
To 27 and Prior To FA Draft 97.3

Obvously this is just a model. However, it could be used to get to the 3% to 5% of the teams that could be impacted by the PB Value Limitation. To do that you would simply modify the 120% up or down to obtain the desired PB Value Limitation which would impact the 3% to 5% of the teams. The model numbers are used as an example only and it assumes that the information from previous drafts is available. It also assumes that this years rookie PB Value taken in the draft and the PB Value of the cuts made to 27 during the draft will be similar to the average of past years.
The model would be run before the drafts to obtain the PB Value limitation as well as the PB Value limitation percentage.
OK, What do you all think? What have I forgotten or can this be modified to come up with something better?