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That's the point

Posted By Fred Cline

Your concern to me isn't a concern, but a good by-product. :-)

If you can build a team with spare parts and it wins, in real life odds are you'd have a team that could then afford to get the top Free Agents the next year. So I don't have a problem with a team that maximizes its talent getting first dibs on the available talent the next year. Especially with PB value so tied up in PAs and IPs.

And if the issue is talent dispersal, teams who have a backup at each spot that is a starter in real life arguably have more "talent" then is needed. This would encourage teams to not have 5 OFs each with 600 PAs, with some only getting 25% usage, as they'd be penalized going into next season in FA order. In real life if you had 5 "starting" level OFs and were paying them such, you'd either cut or trade one away, or you'd not have the money to sign another FA next year.

Fred Cline