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Several Observations

Posted By Tim Shine

Though I do not have the time to participate in the Commish/Reporter concept that MB is suggesting I wholly endorse the idea. I actually have little time to contribute to Forum discussions also but thought I would throw in a couple of my ideas on current events:

1. On the subject of leagues with too few managers and therefore "vacant" teams, I would suggest contraction. Since this seems to be a bigger problem in the 24 team Traditional leagues that's where I would begin. I think that when the playoffs are finished these leagues should contract to 20 teams. This would obviously mean a special draft and I leave the format of that draft up to the Commissioner and others.

2. How many of you out there have more than one team? How many have five, six or more? If you do (and even if you don't), how would you like to be able to make roster changes as soon as you have completed a series - whether at home or away and not have to wait until Tuesday to do it? Well my friends I have a bit of news for you. The module to do this exists. It may not be perfected yet but it's out there and John M. has the key and is the key. JOHN GET TO WORK!!! You probably wonder how I know it's out there and it works. Well, several years ago I was making roster changes on a Saturday afternoon and noticed that they went through. I immediately sent a congratulations to MB and JM. John was aghast and when he realized that he had lest the module open he closed it. Evidently all the bugs had not been worked out - but I got to update my roster for that one team with no ramifications.