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Been doing that

Posted By Jon

I typically play all of my home series (for 4 teams) on Thursday afternoon. After playing each home series, I make all of my roster moves for the next week. I've been doing this for years. NEVER have I seen the roster moves actually been made until Tuesday morning/afternoon once all of the games are switched and the leagues are "unlocked" for roster movement.

If this pre-Tuesday roster movement was indeed available, I sure would have been seeing it because I do my roster moves before Tuesday each and every week.

About a year ago, I made some moves for one of my away teams on a Thursday afternoon after the games had been turned on (before the series had been started though) and the moves did indeed process instantly. I reversed the roster moves to put them back the way they were and immediately emailed Mike Bravard about what I had just saw. He told me that it was a bug, or something had not been done properly when games had been turned on and fixed the problem right away.

Roster moves are not supposed to process until all of the games are finished on Tuesday and as far as I can tell from this week's games, that is still the case.

Jon, STL Trash