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Our recollections differ

Posted By T Hart

Being the owner who argued about the trade , I feel compelled to say that I was NOT happy with the way the trade ended.

The chronology is important. I had another trade going at the same time. One where I sent Ted Lilly to another team with two other players to acquire Scott Rolen. I needed the Burkett trade to be approved or both trades voided, or I would go into an away series with 3 starters. I went away confident I had helped my team. When I came back and saw the results, I contacted Mike. His reasoning was clear and precise but lacked any consideration of the other trade or the needs of the 2 clubs involved. I re-posted the trade and e mailed the other owner asking he accept while I talked to Mike. The other owner, as is his right, declined. Suprise, suprise. After all, the gran poobah of the league had spoken. I had put one over on him. Now I was over a barrel. I had limited starters and needed another. My post for starting pitching hadn't raised any other offers so I was forced to take his upgrade offer on the trade; one that included Aaron Rowand.

I made the trade because I was in a corner. I needed a pitcher. Yet I disliked Burkett so much I sent him packing 2 weeks later.

I still contend that next year Fox for Burkett will be close. Burkett for Rowand would probably be top-heavy the other way. But the trade that was made, Burkett for Fox and Rowand was the worst option of all - and it got approved