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Maybe we all need an update

Posted By Garth

Here is Mike's post from 3/31/02 regarding the then new PB Values ..

Posted By MBravard

This year's low PB values were caused by Barry Bond's incredible power season in a NO POWER ballpark---this lowered everyone's PB value to THAT degree!!!

We did not notice the statisitcal anomoly until it was too late---I beg your pardon for this---and we will play with the odd PB values this season in TRAD!

Mike Bravard (PB)

The PB Values were not adjusted down for pitchers for 2001 stats. If any adjustment was made, it was to take Pitchers' values UP in RT leagues (?). See the differences between 2001 and 2002 stats.

For any real discussion of using PB Value, we would all need a better understanding of how its dirived and whether the formula is adjusted year to year.

We writers should also be careful to state which year we are talking about. "This year" means 2001 to a Trad owner, but 2002 to a RT owner.

I think there are problems in the formula that make it not a good tool to measures a team's expectations. I tested PBV this spring by using it to contruct my LL draft list. I got a terrible team with a fantastic bullpen.

The final PV value could also mislead in RT. The performance of our players is heavily weighted towards the early season. If a guy hits a HR in the first week, that stat affects his PV performance all year long - a lot in the first PV series, while if he hits one in the last week it has a very small affect and only in PV games played after the end of the MLB season. So, if your team starts very slow, the year-end PV value may show that you underachieved.

Another difference with the RT Leagues is that the monthly FA drafts are very important. Using the performance measure becomes problematic there. And if you don't use it for the monthly picks, then it is not meaningful because the opening FA draft is least likely draft to produce an keeper/impact player. Maybe this whole discussion should be limited to Trad leagues, as it just gets to complicated for RT.