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Gamesmanship & Pitching

Posted By Eddie

I agree with this one. But there is one situation where it can happen with no devious intent: Suppose you have a pitcher who hits well against one side pitching, you would certainly want him to pitch against an opposing pitcher he could hit, so you might enter him in your LHP lineup 2 straight games, figuring the opponent wouldn't throw 2 straight lefties, and list another pitcher in both RHP lineups. It's possible then that the pitcher would be announced twice in row. If I were the home manager and I saw this happening I would immediately go back to the opposing team's status page, and see who REALLY might play. You CAN interrupt lineup loading while online and go back into the league pages for info. So you're not really stuck. BUT, I do think it's wrong to intentionally mislead the opposing manager. I've never had the inclination to set up my pitcher that way either, but have thought about it. If I had a P who hit .300 from vs. one side and .037 vs. the other I'd try to do it. Thanks forbringing this point up. Eddie